Open Source Software & Freeware

Dragon Dictate

Dragon for Phones

Dragon now provides a range of apps that assist study processes through use of a smart phone, freeing up users from too many gadgets.

DnA Review

“Dragon Dictation App allows users to speak into their smart phone and Dragon will type it up. This is really useful for people who find typing hard and feel they get their ideas down a lot quicker if they speak out loud their ideas. Dragon Dictation works with commands such as Full Stop and Comma. This app is also great for dictating any emails or texts. The Dragon Microphone app works with the software program Dragon Dictate for Mac. The user can connect up their Dragon microphone through wireless internet. The user can then set up their Dragon profile ready for use. The freedom of using their phone means they can walk around their house and room and talk into their phone using the microphone app and Dragon Dictate will type the words up and recognise commands such as Full Stop and New Paragraph. I am a big user of this application as it allows me the total freedom to walk around my home and Dictate – a fantastic app!”

Jo Knight, Senior DNA Trainer
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