Open Source Software & Freeware

Open Source Software

"Improving Accessibility for All"

Welcome to DnA's Open Source and Free software page. For DnA, the use of Open Source and Free software complements many of DnA's own core values and provides a wealth additional free support for users. The Open Source Software movement developed in the early 1980s and provides accessibility and life-changing support for users unable to access computer software due to high costs. We share these defining principles as part of our guiding ethos, specifically:

• to be accessible to and continually designed, shaped and led by a community of end users

• a pioneering approach that provides an alternative to commercial, profit driven technology markets

For DnA, good AT training is always about sharing and building upon the wealth of successful strategies we as individuals build up in our everyday lives. Continuing in this relationship of respect and individuality, we believe Open Source software and freeware solutions work in harmony with software provided by the DSA. Just like those early pioneers in the 1980s, we are very proud of the life-changing impact Open Source and Free software can have on learners today, so we’ve compiled these pages and links to share this impact with you!

So, whether it's referencing your essays, backing up your work into clouds, mind-mapping, or simply organising your time and workload, we think there's a useful Free or Open Source solution for you.

Access, Empower and Enjoy!

We've compiled all of our Apps, freeware and OSS reviews and guides into one, handy PDF. Download it here.

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