
Atif is gifted in his ability to tutor. He is passionate about his work, driven by a desire to deliver students a positive learning experience tailor made to meet the individual's needs. Through personal experience he understands dyslexia and how the dyslexic mind works sharing his learning strategies, advice and information. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Atif, I instantly benefited by taking on board his advice and putting the learning strategies into place. I was very impressed with his service and would highly recommend him. He is an excellent role model and is living proof of how anyone can achieve their full potential and succeed in life.

  • Alice Mason
  • Undergraduate
  • St Mary's University college Twickenham

My assessment for dyslexia caused a mixture of emotions. I was anxious about being stigmatised with a learning difficulty, however relieved to discover that experts were on their way to help me overcome some of my difficulties. The team at DNA came to my home and patiently taught me how to apply a variety of useful visual, oral and verbal aids to assist my studies. They were extremely thorough and in-depth with regards to their teaching techniques, which helped me to relax and gain control over some of my stumbling blocks. I was excited to learn that these tools could potentially prevent me from experiencing some of the anxiety’s I held when it came to applying and retaining knowledge.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I didn’t have to explain my difficulties in order for the mentors to understand my view point as they came with a wealth of personal experience to overcoming dyslexia. What makes them experts in their field is the fact that they also have dyslexia and are living proof of how to successfully overcome the barriers we face. Atif my mentor inspired me tremendously and has given me confidence in my ability and helped improve my study skills.

  • Ebony Phipps Thomas
  • Undergraduate
  • Goldsmith University

To all the team at DnA

I thought I would drop a line just to inform you of how happy I am, with my first ever training session with your trainer Atif. This was by far no regular training session. I was blown away with the passion, enthusiasm and commitment displayed by the trainer. I soon discovered the session was not just about showing me how to work the computer equipment and software, but about my approach to understanding how the software can work for me as individual. The session was delivered in a jargon free way and exceeded my expectations of a disabling long winded computer technical approach. I am very much looking forward to my next training session, the weight that has been lifted of my shoulders already could not have come at a better time. I feel much more confident about dealing with the demands of university life as a dyspraxic student. My only wish and regret is that i should have taken up the training earlier. I would like to say thank you to Atif and all the team at DnA.

  • Chantel Peart
  • BA Hons - Social Anthropology
  • Goldsmith University

Today was just my first session but I was absolutely amazed at how the trainer immediately pinpointed my learning difficulties and the areas I struggled with and how he used the equipment provided to aid these problems. All this was done without me uttering more than a few words. I am elated that someone finally understands my struggles. My confidence has soared and I am certain that I will now excel with my course.

  • Emine Mercan
  • London South Bank University
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