DSA - Find Your Way

Find Your Way

Welcome to our "DSA - find your way" Guide

‘Not About Us Without Us’ is a phrase I used throughout my time as NUS National Disabled student officer (2009-2010). Campaigning to help students navigate through the complex process of DSA (Disabled Students Allowance) applications and ensure inclusion policies remains as strong a challenge today as it did when I first started with the NUS. With this in mind we wrote this online guide to help students navigate their way through applying for the DSA Support.

We hope that by applying you will have started a process that leads on your way to becoming an independent lifelong learner. A journey definitely well worth taking! This guide has been written by myself and DnA’s own student community, the very people who have navigated the system themselves and have seen it from the most important perspective of all – yours!

Before you embark of this journey, always remember YOU as a dyslexic/disabled student have the most important voice and choice regarding the support you receive. We hope our “DSA - find your way” guide will help you make informed decisions along your DSA journey! Good luck and remember don’t give up – this can be a life-changing opportunity so let’s make the most of it!

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Email us: mail@dnamatters.co.uk

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