DSA - Find Your Way

Identify as Disabled

Identifying as a disabled student

In order to get support through the Disabled Students Allowance you must be a disabled student. The earlier you disclose that you are a disabled student the quicker your support can be put in place. Many members of our community have often said that they wished they had started this process a lot earlier, prior to starting at university. So don't hang around, let's get the process started!

1. Flag up disability on UCAS
The UCAS forms now allow you to tick a box to identify yourself as a disabled student. Doing this means that your university and funding body will be aware that you are a disabled student and will hopefully contact you and give you the information you need to arrange your support. So make sure you tick the box to speed up the process!

2. Contact disability services at University
It is always a good idea to contact the disability services at your institution as a first point of call. They will be able to point you in the right direction to enable you to get the support you need. The quicker you do this the sooner your support can be put into place. Even if you are in your final year, there's still time. Having the right support could be the difference between not finishing your course to achieving your potential and earning a great degree!

3. Go for SpLD screening
Let’s face it, not everyone knows that they are a disabled or dyslexic learner when they leave school. In fact many people find out they are a dyslexic learner when they are at university. If you feel you may have a learning difference then it's a good idea to contact your disability services and ask for an SpLD screening! It's important to remember the screening is not a test of your academic ability, it's just to gain an understanding of how you learn. Remember: we are all different and we all learn in different ways. Understanding your personal learning style will enable you to play to your strengths and develop strategies around the way you learn.

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Email us: mail@dnamatters.co.uk

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