DSA Software

The Disabled Students Allowance (DSA), established in 1993, offers Government funding for UK students enrolled on full and part time higher education (HE) courses. The funding is for books, Assistive Technology (AT) hardware and specialist software, all of which are designed to support, empower and enable disabled students to flourish in their learning. DnA celebrates the vision behind this and brings it to life by providing AT training and strategy support on a number of different software packages provided by the DSA.

DSA - Programs we train on:

  • Text to speech

    Text to speech:

    These programs read a students work back to them through various Audio voices. It also checks for spellings, homophones (words that sound the same), scan documents/books into word, and can capture text from the internet or other files such as Adobe or Word this function enables students to have captured text in their work.

  • Dictation

    Dictation programs:

    Using headset to speak into and the programs will type up your speech.

  • Mind Mapping

    Mind Mapping programs:

    Mind mapping, help a student to structure their work, organisation, a revision tool, a visual tool and can be linked to other documents.

Call us freephone: 0800 978 8303
Email us: mail@dnamatters.co.uk

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