DSA Software

Olympus Sonority

Olympus Sonority

This program is used for the Olympus Dictaphone series. It allows the user to load up their audio notes onto their computer, which they have recorded on the dictaphone. Users can edit their recordings as well as creating audio notebook files. Files recorded on their Dictaphone can be renamed as well as placed into specific folders.

DnA Review

“Adding 'index points' to a recording during a lecture allows students with a wide range of disabilities to cultivate a reduced note-taking style; this allows them to learn more effectively than if they had made pages and pages of notes. Students can press the 'index' button on their recorder whenever they would normally have taken long-form notes, (although these can also be used to note changing slides, or even to mark complex sections that need to be revisited). When loaded onto their computer, they can then see all of the index points they made, and tie these up with the short, numbered notes they made during the lecture. For many students, this is an exciting prospect - suddenly lectures don't seem quite as daunting after all.”

Michael Woodman, Senior DnA Trainer
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