DSA Software

Claro Read

Claro Read

Claro Read is a text-to-speech tool that supports individuals who struggle with reading and writing. It is invaluable for reading large documents and allows you to proofread your own work, checking for grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes. Words can also be spoken back as they are typed to ensure accuracy. It has a user-friendly tool bar with easily accessible icons. Useful features include screen tinting, a screen ruler and a homophone checker. This program also gives you the ability to turn text into audio files. The audio files can then be saved as mp3 files, which you can download onto your iPhone, iPad, or smartphone to listen to. ClaroRead works well with Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer; practically any text can be spoken aloud by this piece of software.

DnA Review

“Claro Read adds a whole other dimension to your screen. Through colour tints and rulers your writing can be made clearer to read, and stop those words jumping around on screen. The English language can be a tricky thing; from getting the right “witch in the woods” to meeting your friends “over there”, but Claro Read can really help get the right words in place. The text-to-audio feature means that you can go from a reactive learner to proactive learner by effectively creating your own mini lecture from research you have downloaded before you get to your actual lecture!”

Atif Choudhury, Senior DnA Trainer
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