DSA Software

Dragon Dictate

Dragon Dictate for Mac Users

Dragon Dictate is the main voice-to-text package supplied for Mac users. With Dragon Dictate you can produce reports, email, articles, books, research notes, online content and more - quickly, easily and accurately. Smart phone and tablet users can connect Dragon to their mobile devices and talk into its built in microphones to allow the words to type up on your computer screen. Using a headset to dictate into Word documents or emails, Dragon Dictate helps users from getting tired and increases writing speed. Dragon Dictate comes with many commands for students to use, such as full stop, comma, semi-colon etc.

DnA Review

“One of the key elements it shares with the PC version is ‘on-the-fly’ learning. The programme learns as it goes, so if Dragon misinterprets what you say, you can simply say "correct that" and it will provide a list of possible alternatives, from which you can choose or edit the right one. Dragon will then recognise that phrase more accurately in the future. You can also train Dragon to learn words and phrases individually to create improved performance from that point onwards. There are also some advanced hands-free and text editing controls available, all from simple voice-commands. Overall, Dragon Dictate may take a little time to get used to, but with continued usage and perseverance, you can become accustomed to its foibles as it adjusts to the way you work.”

Tim Blunt, DnA Trainer
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