DSA Software

Dragon NS

Dragon Naturally Speaking Windows

Dragon Naturally Speaking lets you interact with your whole PC simply by talking into a headset. The package speeds up your typing without typos, by understanding what you say and how you say it. Simply say the commands into a microphone and watch them appear on the screen, for example "Open Microsoft Word," "Set font size to 18," or "Minimize all windows." You can even use voice commands to edit and format your text, search the Web, update social networking sites, download music and more.

DnA Review

“Dragon Naturally Speaking for Windows allows users to control their whole computer, through the use of voice. Dictaphones also play a vital role by allowing you to talk into your Dictaphone and Dragon will type up the notes for you. This means you don’t have to be sat at your computer all the time and can work away from your computer.”

Jo Knight, Senior DnA Trainer
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