
I have worked with Atif for seven years. He is a man of integrity; warm, empathetic and enthusiastic in everything that he does. He truly cares about those with dyslexia and is determined to make their lives easier. He is very knowledgeable, and has put together a professional and capable team at DnA. The mission of the organisation is to put the student at the centre of the learning experience and so that training really meets their individual needs. I have no doubt the team at DnA will be highly successful given their student centred approach and the leadership provided by Atif, a person I regard highly.

  • Julie Logan
  • Professor of Entrepreneurship
  • Cass Business School
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I just love DnA’s passion – it’s infectious and empowering and is such a positive force for the students who are lucky enough to get their training from this hands-on organisation. In a context where students are often confronted with so many things they ‘can’t do’, it’s energising to see training that is determined to put into action the ‘can do’. Assistive Technology training is only as good as the person who delivers it! With Atif at the helm students really are at the heart of DnA’s business. I commend his promotion of open source software which allows unfunded students access to a whole world of technology and really levels the playing field. Rarely in today’s commercial climate do we find the combination of generosity and knowledge that I see in the very ‘gene structure’ of DnA. May it grow from strength to strength – the students of the world will certainly be better off for it!

  • Tanya Zybutz
  • Dyslexia Co-ordinator
  • Central School of Speech & Drama

I have known and worked with Atif for five years and find his knowledgeable, open and collaborative approach an inspiration. He has put together a dynamic and responsive team at DnA which is a credit to the sector. His ethos, which he instils in all his employees, is that the student is at the centre of the learning experience and the methodology of training fits the individual. Assistive technology provision and training should be more than a standard ‘blueprint’. DnA provide an in-depth analysis of what software can do for students in the context of their current and future studies both as freestanding and integrated systems. Atif’s understanding and promotion of free open source software has opened my eyes to a world of opportunity for funded and unfunded students alike. DnA are about sharing information and facilitating success, not about ‘shifting units’ or ‘ticking boxes’.

  • David Mooney
  • Specialist Tutor / Assessor: Specific
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Imperial College London
Imperial Logo

I met Atif shortly after starting in my post at St George's University of London. Having worked in the disability field myself for many years, I was immediately struck by the clarity of his understanding of disability as a social phenomenon, as well as his empathetic and refreshing approach to working with students with a range of learning difficulties.

Assistive technology software is too often delivered as a 'one size fits all' package which students are expected to fit their needs around. Diversity and Ability take a very different view. Their training service starts from the premise that each individual has specific and distinctive needs. Their aim is to empower individuals by demonstrating how assistive technology software can be adapted and made more accessible to suit these needs.

DnA's team have a wealth of expertise, enthusiasm and experience. They take a co-operative and inclusive approach, based on a firm belief that education should be accessible to everyone, whatever their individual circumstances. Every student they work with can expect a fully personalised service which promotes a positive understanding of individual ability. I have from the outset recommended DnA to all our students with specific learning difficulties, as I believe they deliver by far the best service in the field.

  • Roddy Slorach
  • Disability Adviser, St George's University of London
St George's Logo
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Email us: mail@dnamatters.co.uk

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