About Us

DnA Founders

Atif Choudhury — CEO and Co-Founder

“Ordinary has nothing extra” is a phrase that Atif likes and one that explains him best. His creativity drives most of DnA’s ideas and projects, sometimes so fast it’s hard to keep up! Atif worked as Assistive Technology tutor for over 10 years before creating DnA. In that time he refined the training style and strategies that DnA shares with its learners, using a philosophy of mindfulness, mentoring and emotional intelligence. He co-founded DnA in 2009 in order to apply his lived experience as a neurodiverse learner to furthering the wellbeing and development of other dyslexic and disabled learners and educational communities. With both an MSc in Conflict and Development from SOAS and a Post Graduate Teaching Diploma in Teaching Adult Learners with Dyslexia in Higher Education, Atif knows how to make sure DnA trainers are prepared to work with students in ways that leave them inspired and prepared for life's challenges. Atif is also the co-writer and creator of post-graduate teaching certificate ‘PgCert in Needs Assessment and Training of Enabling and Learning Technologies’, and has been twice voted onto the ADSHE (Adult Dyslexia Specialists in Higher Education) Executive Committee.

Atif is involved in more than just DnA. In 2004 he co-founded Zaytoun, the world’s first Fairtrade Palestinian olive oil cooperative. He is also a trustee for the anti-poverty charity War on Want and has been active in a number of high profile grass roots social development projects across the globe. Atif’s flair for social projects has been acknowledged by being listed as one of the Future 100 Social Entrepreneurs, and he is also is a winner of the Millennium Council UnLtd Level 2 award. His passion for social justice is what makes him challenge dogmatic approaches and create human-centred alternatives.

Meetings with Atif always produce the unexpected and leave you feeling on top of the world.

That’s our Atif!

Call us freephone: 0800 978 8303
Email us: mail@dnamatters.co.uk

© Copyright Diversity and Ability Ltd 2012