About Us


Our Training & Philosophy

DnA’s training is tailor-made for disabled and dyslexic adult learners in further and higher education and at work. We base our dyslexia strategies and Assistive Technology training on the ways students prefer to learn. This enables them to make the most of equipment provided through the Disabled Student’s Allowance and Access to Work scheme.

DnA is led by neurodiverse and disabled learners, for neurodiverse and disabled learners, in the spirit of “nothing about us without us”. We are shaping our community – its needs and capabilities – in conversation with each other. Together we are telling a story that re-writes the history of (neuro)diversity. For too long we have been taught in our schools, colleges, universities and workplaces, that we should be functional rather than creative, and that we should ‘fit’ into society rather than help to shape it. DnA challenges this ‘un-diverse’ way of operating by promoting and supporting difference in all its hues, working together to overcome adversity through celebrating diversity.

Learning styles
Because students learn in different ways, we include study strategies in our AT training. Regardless of disability, students receive our study skills Toolkits to use when they need them. Our trainers also provide video screen capture notes with audio (Apple Mac and PC) for students to revise and recall their personalised training session. This frees them up to focus on the training and revisit strategie that they have learned in sessions at their leisure.

Expertise and empathy
Our trainers understand what it’s like to be a student in further and higher education. They have postgraduate qualifications in SpLDs and disability support. We recruit dyslexic and disabled people who use the technology themselves and they join our team of trainers across the UK. All our staff have enhanced CRB checks.

Call us freephone: 0800 978 8303
Email us: mail@dnamatters.co.uk

© Copyright Diversity and Ability Ltd 2012