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More than Just a Dictaphone - 'Using audio assistive technology and SpLD Strategies'

This is workshop design to highlight how the Olympus Dictaphone can be used to provide students with a number of different learning strategies, allowing learners to use strategies for lecture preparation, exam revision, active reading and even essay writing.

For example, to prepare learners for lectures, information can be turned into audio and then these audio files can be uploaded to the students Dictaphones. Students can then listen to this material prior their lectures or seminar classes. This allows dyslexic and disabled learners to turn reactive learning situations into pro-active learning solutions. In addition, a Dictaphone can be used with
other software such as Dragon Naturally speaking, Text help, Claroread, Audio Notetaker and Olympus Sonority Audio notebook; allowing the learner to use the Dictaphone in a number of multi sensory ways.

More than Just a Dictaphone is a DnA workshop that will give participants a hands on learning experience in using Audio Assistive technology. Each participant will have an opportunity to use
an Olympus Dictaphone and will learn how to integrate the Dictaphone with other audio assistive technology.

Call us freephone: 0800 978 8303
Email us: mail@dnamatters.co.uk

© Copyright Diversity and Ability Ltd 2012